So you want to brew your own compost tea, eh?
Every organic gardener knows the value of compost – and these 6 simple steps of brewing fresh, homemade compost tea by Dr. C. Forrest McDowell and Tricia Clark-McDowell will take your composting to the next level.
“What is so wonderful about Compost Tea is that it can be made right at home from your own fresh, well-finished compost.”
The 6 simple steps…
1. Fill a bucket 1/3 full of quality finished compost
2. Add unclorinated water to the top of the bucket
3. Let the mixture steep for 3-4 days (stir occasionally)
4. Strain the mixture
5. Dilute the remaining liquid with water
6. Use tea immediately
What’s your favorite compost tea recipe?
Let’s talk about it in the comment section.