Thoe and Beets

Beets In The Wood Chips

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It is summer and the produce is beginning to come in! We were so excited to see our big purple beets peeking out and ready to be picked. We planted 3 to 4 beds, covering them with sifted wood chips. Using wood chips has cut the weeding down to a minimum, which makes everyone really happy.

We love preserving that summer freshness and eating it in the middle of winter. We pickle most of the beets we harvest. Everyone really loves pickled beets. Call us crazy, but they are so good.

Beets are a non-starchy root vegetable high in many vitamins and minerals such as potassium, magnesium and vitamins A, B and C. Don’t throw away the tops! Beet greens are nutrient rich and can be used in salads or blended into smoothies.

Dr. Mercola talks about the amazing health benefits of beets that most of us don’t realize, and many people are missing out on the full health potential of including the “whole form” of beets in our diets.  He says:

There’s good reason to do so, in fact, as beets contain a variety of unique health-boosting nutrients that you may not be getting elsewhere. Plus, they’re delicious!

Read Dr. Mercola’s full article to find out more about these amazing health benefits.

Read original article at…

Try wood chip gardening and beets, and watch the weeds disappear and your health improve!!

How do you like your beets?
